Monday, October 3, 2011

Crubaughs {2011}

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jones Family {2011}

The Jones family won a benefit package...  the gift that keeps on giving.... so fun

Keeping these short as I am blogging them in Jan 2012... the fall was busy!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A little road trip....

You would think on days I only have one shoot I would relax, catch up on some editing, read a book... not a chance I had to drag my family 2 hours north to catch the cranberry harvest... when we got home I overheard my 10 year old telling his friend how cool it was.....well worth it.

Today was a beautiful fall day!

Lawton family....

I got to catch up with the Lawton's again this fall....

 The youngest Badger fan! 

The Boys....

They certainly had a football theme this year.....

I don't want to spoil a Christmas card shot so I hope this next one isn't in the running..... 

~ It amazes me how we are always surrounded by so many beautiful things... on the simplest of days and in the most ordinary places ~

© Venden Photography
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